2024年2月8日 — BetterTouchTool allows you to 'Pin/Unpin Focused Window to Float on Top'. Thanks! But, isn't this overkill since I don't even have a touchbar on ...
2021年4月16日 — Floating a window (and float on top) is an app specific feature. Talk to the developer of your chosen notes app. Apple Notes does it, so that ...
See the contents of active windows in a hovering window and keep it always on top with Hover. Send keyboard keys to the window directly from the hovering ...
2023年4月12日 — You can make individual tasks always on top. Right click on task -> click on open as sticky note -> click on pin icon in the sticky note.
2021年6月30日 — In this post, we show you how to keep application windows always on top using native functionality on the Mac and third-party window managers.
2021年12月19日 — Sadly, the functionality doesn't exist in macOS natively. There were some hacks to achieve it via SIMBL and a plugin called 'afloat' but that code hasn't been ...
2015年12月11日 — There is a free app called Key Codes in the Mac App Store that as far as I can tell stays on top of all other windows. Other than menu items it ...
2020年8月16日 — Restart your machine. When you log back in, open the Afloat app. From there, go to the window options and click “Keep Afloat” within the list.
2022年1月4日 — Use mySIMBL. If you are using a Mac computer, you can use mySIMBL to force a window to be always on top on Mac. After downloading the latest ...